
Tea sharing sessions and gatherings

The sharing sessions and gatherings offered by Le cerf-volant and its host Raphaël are carefully crafted through an altruistic, inclusive, and organic approach. Run solely on a donation basis, those public events naturally give birth to safe, salutary, flowing, and unhurried spaces of multilayered, free, and open expression for tea and people to blossom. This union of universal languages nourishes and tends an appreciation for the impermanences coloring our daily life and the plurality of the precious teachings stemming from tea and its ethereal contemplation.

For more information about the types of tea offerings shared by Le cerf-volant, please refer to this page. For those looking to book Le cerf-volant’s tea services for a private event, please feel free to get in touch with Raphaël directly.

Upcoming public events

Sep 11, 2024

1300 – 1500
Isumi City (Chiba Pref., Japan)

Tea sharing session

Lǎo Rén Chá 老人茶
Donation basis

Past events

March 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

They hosted Le cerf-volant

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